carpet mold

Carpets are essential for our house as they make us feel good and comfortable, especially when placed in bedrooms where our feet are no longer cold. But carpets are also prone to mold growth, which is an important reason to pay special attention and properly clean or check them. But what happens in case of a sudden and unexpected water leak or carpet mold? 

Can mold grow on carpet?

Mold is classified as a fungus that has the ability to spread infectious spores. Mold spores can appear anywhere around your house and can also grow and develop into mold. Moisture and high humidity levels are primary factors that can lead to severe mold growth in different damp places for instance poorly ventilated rooms and wet basements. Mold can also grow on carpets as they are excellent moisture traps.

Ceiling leaks, basement floods, plumbing problems, and high humidity levels can increase the possibility of carpet mold. In most cases, the backing of a carpet is linked to the weave. If the carpet gets wet or if moisture seeps through it, the backing may retain it underneath the carpet. Until you actively attempt to dry a wet carpet using fans, a hot air drier, or a dehumidifier, it will remain wet. A damp carpet can also soon develop mold.

Which are the most common types of carpet mold?

Black Mold

Dry air, high humidity, and dampness contribute to the growth of black mold on the carpet. In humid environments, the spores begin to develop, become active, and start to replicate. These circumstances, which can be found in your basement or other low-lying regions of your home, will allow mold to flourish.

White Mold

Some severe mold varieties can leave stains on carpets. Spores, which are tiny, self-replicating cells, are what triggers this. Spores can be released by natural processes like rain or high humidity as well as external sources like pets and children playing outside. These spores can develop into white mold if they drop on carpets, which could trap increases and rug fibers.

Orange Mold

The excessive moisture content of carpets is the root cause of the orange mold on carpet. This mold grows best in damp, humid areas and feeds on organic matter like spores and dead skin cells.

Green Mold

A particular kind of fungus that thrives in moist environments is the green mold. The most frequent reason is when water has been left in a carpet for too long and has grown due to moisture. This may be avoided by making sure there isn’t any water left remaining in your carpet or by hiring a carpet cleaner to visit your home once a month to remove any extra moisture from the fibers. Additionally, it’s crucial to put extractor fans close to every heating unit in a humid home.

How can mold on carpet affect our health?

Various mold types can be hidden in your carpet and can cause suffering diseases such as cancer, allergies, respiratory diseases and a lot more.

It is crucial to properly check your carpet condition and see if there is any mold occurrence as it can lead to health hazards. 

Mold on carpet can produce and trigger allergic reactions. People who are prone to airborne allergies then may easily develop respiratory illnesses or other symptoms such as:

  • Skin irritation
  • Sore throat
  • Asthma
  • Coughing
  • Stuffy nose
  • Sneezing

All types of mold can be dangerous for children, as their lungs aren’t fully developed, and people who are immune-compromised.

As a result, people who have a weakened immune system tend to develop faster respiratory illnesses and lung infections.

How to prevent carpet mold?

One of the best cleaning tips for carpet mold is to find an efficient way to prevent mold growth. Although you can’t always stop mold damage from occurring because of a flood or emergency water damage, you may be proactive in reducing common carpet mold by following these tips:

  • Avoid carpeting your bathroom floors
  • Hang towels or shower mats to dry after you use them and wash them every week
  • Do let wet items be in contact with your floors
  • Make sure your house has a functioning ventilation system.
  • Remove stinky and worn carpets
  • Use carpet made with natural fibers
  • Hire mold removal professionals to remove mold growth instead of using inefficient carpet mold treatments

In case you suspect severe and toxic mold growth in your home areas, then do not hesitate to call IBX Services mold removal at (416) 252-5959 and let our mold removal professionals immediately handle your mold growth emergency.

Our mold removal experts will use high-quality cleaning solutions, as well as, use advanced technology equipment that will transform your home into a healthy environment where mold spores will no longer be around you.


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