24 Hour emergency service needed? We arrive within 30 minutes 1-800-962-7814

Hurricanes, blizzards, freezing temperatures, flooding, and tornadoes are terrifying disasters to be handled without preparation. Preparing before the onset of a disaster helps to avoid the notoriously long lines at the grocery store with empty bread and milk shelves, and forget about finding portable generators at the hardware store. Having essential survival items ready to go is the key to weathering any storm.

Disaster Coming?

This is what your kit should contain:

  • 1 gallon of water per family member for at least 3 days
  • Non-perishable food- 3 day supply
  • Manual can opener
  • First aid kit
  • Pet supplies
  • Flashlights with extra batteries
  • Candles and matches
  • Battery-operated radio
  • Portable generator and fuel
  • Cell phone and car chargers
  • Extra blankets
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Rope
  • Duct tape

Have these items prepared in the event of an evacuation:

  • Medications
  • Photocopies of important documents (birth certificates, driver’s licenses, health and property insurance, etc.)
  • Important phone numbers (Red Cross, insurance agents, animal shelters, etc.)
  • Digital home inventory and print out
  • Cash (if the power is out, ATM’s will not be accessible)
  • Glasses, contacts and solution, and hearing aid batteries

Every emergency preparedness kit should be tailored to meet your family’s needs. Store the items in a sturdy, waterproof container and keep where it is easily assessable in an emergency. It is also a good idea to keep a smaller, portable version in the car if you are caught away from home. Call IBX Services professional team at (416) 252-5959 or send a detailed description at [email protected] of your emergency and let or professionals handle the situation.

With 15 years of experience, extensive training, and the most advanced equipment, IBX Services is the leading cleaning and restoration company serving Toronto.

It’s every property owner’s or manager’s worst nightmare: floods steadily rising in the rooms, offices, and corridors of your prized investment. Fire and smoke destroying files, valuables, and building structure within minutes. Mould silently spreading across walls and air ducts, jeopardizing the health and safety of employees or tenants.

Why choose IBX Services for critical emergencies?

IBX Services is a full-services company for any kind of emergency service. What it means is that we offer the full scale of solutions needed for complete emergency services, cleaning and disinfection services, and commercial services too. From identifying the cause of the problem to fixing any design flaws in the affected areas, and the prevention of further and sealing to rigorous testing to detect any other indirect problem, we strive to be a leader in the emergency services solutions industry.